On-Air Schedule

John Laurenti (1-6a Monday-Friday): Hi, I’m John Laurenti! Thanks for taking a little bit of your time to find out about me. I’ve been fortunate to have been doing this radio thing for a while and it’s the best job I’ve ever had! Every day is different and fun! Plus, I get to play music for you. In my spare time I try to go to as many concerts as I can, 2,500 and counting, playing golf (badly), and I’ve done a little bit of acting as well. I’ll see you on the radio!

Liz & Chris (6-10a Monday-Friday): Hi, I’m Liz Bell, a single mom to 2 gorgeous girls! I love throwing theme parties, read that as ‘Pinterest addict.’ I believe there is no better feeling than a sloppy ponytail and yoga pants. I enjoy traveling, things that sparkle and my partner, Chris
Tyler. Chris Tyler here! I also have two kids, plus an awesome wife! I run marathons, but in real life I love to spend time at our neighborhood pool. And I’m a huge sports fan. It’s hard for me to choose a favorite type of music! I like many different types! Except maybe Gangsta Rap. I have to draw the line somewhere.

Andrea Jaxson (10a-3p Monday-Friday): I’m Andrea Jaxson and when I’m not on the radio, there is a good chance you will find me making plans to travel to a new, fun and exciting city or country. My husband Mike, A.K.A “Marvelous Mike”, is completely supportive of my need to capture the perfect “shot” while I roam the streets looking for unique architecture and
landscape. We share a love for music, art and travel which makes for a fun life together! I absolutely love sharing time with my nieces and nephews and as soon as football season rolls around, it’s all about food, family and dark chocolate!

Karl Southcott (3-8p Monday-Friday): Karl Southcott here! I’m a giant movie fan, and love everything from the classic films to all the new exciting flicks. I enjoy the outdoors too, and am crazy about being around the water. I love swimming, kayaking, surfing and diving. I’ve always figured that I’m at least part fish. I also like to hang with my family. My two small boys keep me very busy! Musically, I’m crazy about everything from Sinatra to Bruno Mars. Sharing this music on the radio is such a kick!

Dennis Mitchell (8p-1a Monday-Friday): My name is Dennis Mitchell, and I knew at a very young age that I wanted to be on the radio. After high school, I attended The Broadcasting Institute of Maryland, and now I’ve been on the airwaves for more than 25 years! Along with my love for music and sports, I enjoy playing the drums and instructing a high school drumline part time. I like to relax by hunting, fishing, and playing golf, and I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Heather. We have three children!
